dinsdag 8 maart 2011

New Video: Born This Way

Lady Gaga did it again. Here's her new video of Born This Way.

My opinion:
This video is like a mini movie. I kinda like that fact. I also love it that it's like a battle between good and bad but that there's no bad without good. Like GaGa says "But she wondered: How can I pretect something so perfect without evil?" The video itself is... GaGa. I can't describe it other than that. 

Your opinions:
Despite the superficial eccentricity of the song, Born This Way is about conforming and adhering to a pre-defined mindset, a philosophy that is compatible with a New World Order. It is not Gaga’s vision, it is their vision. It is the mind state they want you to adopt in order for them to carry on with their Agenda unopposed. This is what they want you to think: There are no important values or moral codes; good and evil are kinda the same and being a mindless zombie is cool." ~ 1seer

"I love GaGa, I love this song, and I kind of like this video...but I have no idea what just happened." ~ theoriginalbellaful

"Her best yet!!!! Only the simple minded don't understand this video & the meaning behind it. Shame on you!!! God makes no mistakes... remember that" ~ PoloNjAGER

"The song by itself has an uplifting message: to love and accept oneself unconditionally, the way God made us. However (there’s always a “however” with Gaga), the video takes things to another level … literally. The “Manifesto of Mother Monster” Its related symbols give the song a cosmic-battle-between-good-and­-evil quality, interlaced with the heralding of a new race - a MIND CONTROLled race
Google: “Born This Way” – The Illuminati Manifesto" ~ theowlsnest

"im going to give my opinion about lady gaga but nobody please send me hate comments. I think that her music is crap and she is ugly. So no hate comments. Am just stating my own opinion. We are all allowed to give our opinions." ~ Kurd4me

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